When they grow wiser?

You know what I suddenly realized? We - no longer the coolest generation. We - the losers, who in no way understand.

I agree, too gloomy start to talk about the modern student. Today I want to express tirade in their address and understand certain issues.

Pushed me, or rather, was the last straw for writing this article, post the following lines:

"Hello. My name is Paulina. I'm thirteen years old. I am fond of psychology. I listen to anything. Sometimes I drink in company. I am looking for 14-16".

And if you think I'm going to talk about the relationship of thirteen years of age or alcohol use in this age, you are greatly mistaken.

Have you ever noticed that the fashion among schoolchildren - to ascribe to themselves the extra services? Yes, I'm talking about the line: "I am fond of psychology." How often have you had to deal with here thirteen, fourteen, twelve-year (and so forth.) Girls who regard themselves as experts in any field?

I even venture to say that ninety-five percent of these "definitely talent" who had seen snotty series where the protagonist distributes "invaluable advice" minor characters, never seen in the eyes of textbooks on psychology.

Can you say, by what technique these people "work"? Do not look for options, I will answer this question. Techniques not. No search problems. No options to solve it. There is an illusion. The illusion created by a long conversation, the contents of which can be laid in a single phrase: "Hammer, all the rules."

You want a secret? A smart man would never say that he is smart. Do you know why? Because he knows only a small part of what he wanted to know. And he is aware of this fact.

But now the students stopped to seek something personal achievements. You can take credit for what you want to achieve and tell everyone that you are masterfully understand this. Say, "I have a DSLR I - the photographer.". But here's the catch: the presence of a scalpel will not make you a surgeon.

They are no criteria for the assessment of own activity. They believe that the presence of five per cent of basic knowledge is enough to inflate it to a state of "Expert Level. God."

Not so long ago was arguing with a schoolgirl on a credit system. She argued that it is not necessary that every student can self assess themselves. Here we must clearly understand that before you evaluate yourself, you must learn to do it.

The child can write the word "dog" by "and" (both hears and writes), and in his personal assessment system - all right. And what is the result? I know one man who late forties, and he had only the word "Hello" allows four errors. Flaws teachers? I doubt it.

Digress, let's continue. There is another interesting group of schoolchildren. Honestly, I have not even thought until recently that it touches me personally, but it happened. I'm talking about those who are not just creating an image and stealing it. Yes, plagiarism. Plagiarist main problem lies in the fact that he too is interested in trying to keep up with any style of his behavior, so to speak, an idol.

One can endlessly hiding behind fake, hiding her face from prying eyes, lies to grow around him, but the little tea bag always comes to the surface with sufficient water. You understood my hint, dear? This paragraph is specifically for you.

Let us return to the subject. For what you need all this pathos about his person? The answer is simple: P - popularity. All of these thirteen students prefer to live in my head, where "I have two friends mower" - their ardent fans who layknut any nonsense, will give a present for your "definitely beautiful eyes" and will be infinitely admire the fact that you have a DSLR.

We understand what happened? The substitution of human values. These students take for those who they want to be, but what they are not. They are incredibly alone, but by creating the illusion of a sound "pop" themselves in it believe.

Before the students give pleasure - to pull a ton of shit in the comments, I conclude that as long as they need this illusion, they are great psychologists, photographers from God immensely talented singers, great actors ... Maybe someday they will be able to get rid of this illusion. Maybe.

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